License Plates

Funny license plates seen on the road

Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Seen on a white OTIS Elevator van on I-630 in Little Rock.

Monday, November 29, 2004


Seen on a Chevrolet Blazer between Pine Bluff and Little Rock, AR.

This is either "Are you for real?" or "Roofer Real." You decide which.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Seen on a blue Mini Cooper on I-630


Seen on a Lexus on I-630. I'm guessing that "ROSEBUD" was already taken.

Friday, November 19, 2004


Seen on a black SUV in Little Rock sometime last year.


Seen on a tan Kia on I-630 in Little Rock this morning.


Seen on a red convertible Mustang GT on Bowman in Little Rock last week.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Seen on a red truck in Little Rock, AR.

And they said that he lives at the North Pole and drives a sleigh. I wonder if he refers to his truck as the sleigh.

Santa: Hey, Baby, wanna go for a ride in my sleigh.
Girl: No.


Seen on a new red corvette in Tampa, FL.

As near as I can tell, this translates to "Don't try." I assume this means that attempting to race the driver of this car is a futile effort. Well, is it really necessary to point out that a corvette is likely to outrun your car? Obviously, this person has to deal with this a lot, though, thus explaining the license plate.

Friday, November 12, 2004

LP's seen on Cantrell in Little Rock

The plate on a yellow Corvette, circa 2000 model - "MY POPS"

Nearby, there was a car with a plate that said "MY O MY"

Thursday, November 04, 2004

The Blog Comments

As you are well aware, our blog has the option of comments. But, the catch is, you have to be either me, or Clint, or erbob. If you are not one of the aforementioned people, you cannot comment. So don't even try.

Right now it says "1 Comments" under a post. I've always thought that this would be an easy thing to fix. Couldn't you have it say "1 Comment" and then when there was more than 1, say "3 Comments" and so forth?

It has finally happened

The new blog ULR is

Thanks to all who participated.

New Blog Name

I propose that the URL be instead of
